In the early 2000s, China was just 5% of a GEM index then. Today, China’s weighting in that index exceeds 35%. The sheer size of China’s weight has a crowding out effect on the rest of the countries in that index. In this podcast, we discuss what a GEM-ex China portfolio might look like as well as the investment opportunities in the GEM x China universe as economies recover from the pandemic.

  • Is there a strong investment case for GEM x China and how does the universe change when compared to the broader GEM exposure?
  • Where are you seeing investment opportunities in the GEM x China universe and given the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic?
  • What are the challenges of investing in the GEM ex-China countries – liquidity, transparency, diversity of opportunities?
  • The value leadership appears to be continuing in 2022, what’s the potential for the further realisation of value opportunities in GEM?
  • COVID travel restrictions have no doubt affected a fund manager’s ability to visit the companies, as a bottom-up stock picker, how to navigate this challenge?

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